The aim of Wavepower is to safeguard all children in line with current legislation, regulations and guidance and is for use within any Swim England affiliated organisation where children are present. A child is anyone under the age of 18
Wavepower consistently emphasises that the responsibility for child safeguarding in our sport belongs with all those involved in our sports and is not the sole responsibility of any one person at local, county or national level.
Wavepower provides comprehensive information for officer, members, members, parents/guardians and all individuals involved in the sport.
This document will be updated in 2023, but when updates or changes take place either in Swim England or through statute or governmental guidance these will be published on the Swim England website.
You can download the fully interactive Wavepower here in PDF format.
Alternatively, you can read it online using the link https://www.swimming.org/swimengland/wavepower-child-safeguarding-for-clubs/
Club Welfare Officer: David Coulson - haltonscwelfare@gmail.com
NW Region Welfare Officer: Allan Freeman – allan.freeman@outlook.com